Pastor Plek's Podcast Episodes

Pastor Plek and the team dive into questions submitted by listeners about the Bible after Sunday morning sermons.
Nov. 17, 2020

Fear and Anger

23: Pastor Plek talks through dome key indicators of whether or not we are acting in fear and anger. "Society is driven by and saturated in fear expressed as anger. Yet we are told not to live in fear. What are some discernib...

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Oct. 28, 2020

Existential Crisis

21: Listen this week as Pastor Plek talks through questioning if God exists. So how do we know that what is commonly referred to as God is just some inter-dimensional being that exists outside of the dimension of time and spa...

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Oct. 6, 2020

John the Baptist

17: Pastor Plek answers a question on part of John the Baptists message. "In John 1, when John says " this is the one I told you that comes after me that will surpass me because he came before me". Why is that so important f...

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Sept. 25, 2020

Can we lose our salvation ?

15: Pastor Plek answers a question from a one of our community groups discussions, can you lose your salvation? Are we saved by grace alone? Are people using their salvation as a handicap to fall back into sin? Support the sh...

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Sept. 22, 2020

Trinity and Regeneration

14: Pastor Plek addresses 2 questions on this podcast: Why is the Trinity considered a core Christian doctrine when it doesn’t appear in Scripture? and , How can "regenerate" be considered a core Christian identity if it do...

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Sept. 14, 2020

Why Membership?

13: Pastor Plek discusses why membership is so important for the health of a Christian. Support the show (

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Sept. 7, 2020

Demons in the OT?

Pastor Plek answers the Question: we see demons, talk of Satan, and spiritual warfare in the new testament. The old testament, by contrast, is void of such talk. Rather, in the old testament, everything is attributed to God (...

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Aug. 26, 2020

Acts 6 Deacons?

Pastor Plek is joined by Pastor James Foster to answer the question: My question is around Acts 6. In this situation, the disciples ask for seven faithful people. Although it doesn't seem to actually say the noun deacon, it s...

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July 29, 2020

Led by the Spirit vs Led by the flesh

Pastor Plek deals with the question: But I've been curious a little, the word says that those who are led by the spirit are not under the law, as new creations in Christ are we always walking in the spirit? Or is that only wh...

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July 29, 2020

The Seven Spirits of God

Pastor Plek deals with the question: From revelations 3 what are the seven Spirits of God? Support the show (

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July 29, 2020

Christian unity for evangelism vs Christian unity as a theological re…

Pastor Plek answers the question: Is there a difference between pursuing perfect unity to win the world to Christ and walking together in the unity Christ has already achieved for us as one body of believers? Support the show...

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July 27, 2020

When does prayer become superstitious?

Pastor Plek answers a question asked after preaching through Philippians 4 and wrestling with what prayer looks like. Letting your requests being made known to God. In his first podcast, Pastor Plek will answer that question ...

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