235: Pastor Plek, Catie Sas, and Cody Sparks discuss Sam Teifke's last sermon about obeying the call to share the Gospel and they answer some questions from our listeners.
Questions Answered:
Sam- you said wives should encourage their husbands. What if the husband is not welcoming if that? They don't want their wife to be apart of their spiritual walk
Quick note to Sam on the Sermon this morning - every lady in the room doesn't have a husband to encourage or prompt to share the gospel. Everyone in the room is not married.
Seriously? Women support your men in their evangelism? What about us unmarried women? Are we not ALL called to share the gospel? Are we not ALL called at believers to share the good news? 2 Cor 5:20 - We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. Funny, nowhere does it say men only.
What was Sam's Biblical standing behind telling us women to support our men. Are we somehow not worthy because we are single?
Want to submit a question? Call or text 737-231-0605!
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