Dec. 21, 2021

Pastor Fashion, Fitness and Revelation 21

Pastor Fashion, Fitness and Revelation 21

78: This week, Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, and Catie Sas chat about pastor fashion, fitness, and answer questions sent in about Revelation 21. Want to submit a question? Text 737-231-0605!

 Faith, Culture, and all things in between.

Head to minute 24 to get right to the questions.
Do we know the time difference between heaven and earth?

- How do you define Israel? Israel the country? People group/ethnicity? Israel = the church today? Who/what is Israel?

- Podcast question: any idea which 12 tribes names were written? And which 12 apostles? Arguably there were 14 (Judas, Mathias, Paul)

- Revelation 21:1. I feel like you made something to be symbolic when nothing indicates that it should be symbolic, i.e. "the sea was no more." Why do you choose to read this metaphorically?

- Besides looking cool, why did the pastor not tie his shoes this Sunday?

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