Feb. 10, 2023

Honor One Another

Honor One Another

189: Pastor Plek, Pastor Mo, Jordan Smith, and Nicole Troup recap our first sermon in the Love One Another series. We talk about the book of Philemon and answer a few questions as well!

Questions covered:
Are we really all going to get a crown in heaven? Aren't the four crowns all ones to be earned? Meaning, I don't think any of us are guaranteed to get one or more.
When Paul writing this from prison, was it like an house arrest type set up to have servants and things like that?
You spoke about "My sacrifice for their benefit." I totally get that and try every time the person is near, yet isn't there a fine line between that and boundaries?
We're not God and Eventually you break because you're not a doormat and you have to stand up for yourself because those people you try to give the benefit to Continue to treat you poorly, even though we strive to be and live like Christ.
When is enough enough while still showing love.

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