277: Catie Sas and Pastor Plek are on the podcast to recap Sunday's sermon on Exodus. They discuss the intricate fabric of community responsibility and how to navigate teaching children the balance of grace and accountabili...
275: Pastor Plek and Catie Sas are on the podcast today to discuss the complexities of Old Testament slavery laws and their relevance today. They also explore the connections between parenting and biblical narratives while al...
270: Pastor Plek and Catie Sas are joined by Pastor Mo this week to talk about the Catholic Church's bold new direction of blessing same-sex unions. Tune in to hear more as they navigate the historical significance of blessi...
269: Pastor Plek and Catie Sas are back after a short holiday break to recap Sam Teifke's sermon on the first half of the Ten Commandments. Tune in to hear more as Pastor Plek and catie explore the significance of …
268: Pastor Plek, Catie Sas, and Machine Gun Nick are back on the podcast this week to recap Sunday's sermon and discuss everything from hair care routines to leadership challenges to original sin. Faith, Culture, and everyth...
265: Pastor Plek, Tony Nelson, and Nicole Troup address some common questions related to masterbation and sexual boundaries inside and outside of marriage. Faith, Culture, and Everything in Between. Scripture References: Matt...
266: Catie Sas is back on the podcast with Pastor Plek this week to recap Sunday's sermon and share some lessons she learned on a recent ski trip to Colorado. Faith, Culture, and Everything in Between. Got questions? Text us …
262: Pastor Mo joins Pastor Plek and Catie Sas on the podcast this week to recap his sermon on Luke 1. Faith, Culture, and Everything in Between. Scripture References: Luke 1 Got questions? Text us at 737-231-0605! Like, shar...
261: Pastors James Foster and Holland Greig are on the podcast with Pastor Plek and Catie today to talk about their personal experiences with planting churches. Holland planted Eastside Community Church about six years ago an...
260: Pastor Plek and Catie Sas are joined by Holland Greig of Eastside Community Church this week to recap Sunday’s sermon. After a brief summary of his sermon, Pastor Plek asks Holland what he thinks the Order of Salvation i...
259: Pastor Plek, Pastor Mo, Catie Sas, and Machine Gun Nick are on the podcast today to recap Sunday’s sermon on Exodus 18. They talk about the Israel-Hamas conflict, what makes a good leader, and resolving conflict within t...
258: Pastor Plek, Catie Sas, Devan Bice, and Pablo Mota recap Sunday’s sermon Exodus 17:1-8. Pastor Plek clarifies some confusing points from his sermon and also answers some questions from our listeners. Faith, Culture, and ...
257: Pastor Plek and Catie Sas are joined by Devan Bice and Pablo Mota on this episode of the podcast to debate a very hot topic in Christian Culture: should Christians celebrate halloween? Listen in to hear more about these …
255: Pastor Plek, Catie Sas, Tony Nelson, and Machine Gun Nick talk about this Sunday's sermon over Exodus 15 and 16. They talk about times in their life when they’ve grumbled against leaders and address some questions from o...
256: Pastor Plek, Catie Sas, Tony Nelson, and Machine Gun Nick continue their conversation from part one of our sermon recap this week, but this time they're exploring what it means to hold your tongue whil still being authen...
243: Pastor Plek, Catie Sas, Machine Gun Nick, and Tony Nelson are on the podcast today to answer a special question about the perceived conflict between scientific findings and faith. What are the implications for our faith ...
Pastor Plek and Catie Sas are joined by Machine Gun Nick and Seth Sparks this week to recap Sunday’s sermon Exodus 11 & 12. In this episode we address several questions about the hardening of Pharaoh’s heart, free will, repen...
239: Kaylor Reiter joins Pastor Plek and Catie Sas on the podcast this week to continue the conversation about his journey of faith and struggling with homosexuality. Want to submit a question? Call or text 737-231-0605! Fait...
242: Catie Sas and Machine Gun Nick join Pastor Plek on the podcast this week to recap Sunday's sermon on Exodus 10. They discuss the difference between Worldly repentance and godly repentance and answer questions from our li...
237: Machine Gun Nick is back on the podcast with Plek, Catie, and Cody this week! We continue the conversation about Nick's journey of faith and find out about how things are going now that he's trying to live out …
236: Pastor Plek and Catie Sas are joined by Matt Uber this week for special podcast episode about Matt's journey in the military and how he walked with God in all of that. From serving in war zones to full-time …
238: Pastor Plek and Catie Sas are back this week to recap Sunday's sermon on Exodus. They talk about the plagues, frogs, bugs, and egyptian mythology. Question Answered: After the sermon yesterday i had another question beca...
235: Pastor Plek, Catie Sas, and Cody Sparks discuss Sam Teifke's last sermon about obeying the call to share the Gospel and they answer some questions from our listeners. Questions Answered: Sam- you said wives should encour...
234: Nope, that's not a typo! Pastor Plek and Catie Sas are joined by Nick Drummond (aka Machine Gun Nick) on this episode of Pastor Plek's Podcast. Listen in to hear more about Nick's story of faith and why he …
232: Pastor Plek, Tony Nelson, and Catie Sas recap Sunday's BLESS sermon about listening and eating. They share their own experiences about how they made friends with neighbors and how they started those relationships. Questi...
230: Pastor Plek, Tony Nelson, Catie Sas, and John Milton talk about the "little foxes" that can breakdown intimacy in marriage and other relationship struggles. Questions answered: There are obvious dangers that can destroy ...
229: Pastor Plek, Catie Sas, and Tony Nelson are on the podcast this week to discuss last Sunday's sermon over Exodus 7 and they answer a couple questions from our listeners. Question answered: Which came first: the sermon il...
227: Pastor Plek, Catie Sas, and John Milton discuss what it looks like to witness to others at work and how to have healthy, edifying relationships with unbelievers. Question Answered: What should that dichotomy look like be...
228: Pastor Plek and Catie Sas recap last Sunday's sermon on Exodus 6 and talk about the difference between complaining to God and complaining about God. Question answered: In Sunday’s (7/16) sermon, you talked about complain...
226: Pastor Plek, Catie Sas, and John Milton recap Exodus chapter 5 and we talk about good and bad coping mechanisms on this episode of the podcast. Questions Answered: Why does Exodus 5:4 refer to the King of Egypt? Why …
223: Pastor Plek and Catie Sas recap the Father's Day sermon given by guest preacher Danny Box. They also get into a conversation about the reality of parenting toddlers. Want to submit a question? Call or text 737-231-0605! ...
218: Pastor Plek, Nicole Troup, and Catie Sas talk about worshiping at home, different worship styles, and the age old debate on centemporary worship music versus the classic hymns. Question answered: I'm a low-energy, stone-...
215: Pastor Plek, Catie Sas, and Nicole Troup are back to answer a listener's question about how to evangelize when you don't feel like you're good at it. Question answered: I'm not good at evangelism but I feel convicted abo...
216: On this episode of Pastor Plek's Podcast we recap last sunday's sermon on Saving and what it means to save money as a Christian. Tune in to hear Pastor Plek, Catie Sas, and Nicole Troup discuss all this and …
211: In this episode Pastor Plek, Catie Sas, and Cody Sparks tackle the topics of Contraception and Family Planning. Questions answered: As Christians, we are called to live in accordance with God’s will and not our own will....
213: Pastor Plek, Catie Sas, and Nicole Troup discuss Sunday's sermon on Giving and dive deeper into the importance of giving to God Want to submit a question? Call or text 737-231-0605! Faith, Culture, and all things in betw...
209: Catie Sas, Pastor Plek, and Cody Sparks start this episode off with a conversation about ministering to the LGBTQ+ community and then shift to conversation on learning how to parent. Question answered: Pastor Plek Podcas...
206: Join us for a special podcast episode on Disciplemaking! Pastor Plek, Chelsea McCown, Robert Sas, and Catie Sas talk about the biblical need for disciplemaking, barriers to disciplemaking, and the benefits. Want to submi...
202: Pastor Plek, Catie Sas, Cody Sparks, and Chelsea McCown recap the Easter sermon on this episode of Pastor Plek's Podcast and we answer a few questions from our listeners. Questions answered: Why does the Bible include Ma...
201: Pastor Plek, Pastor Mo, and Catie Sas talk with special guest John Zhu about deconstructing faith: what that means and how John has used it to strengthen his faith & walk with Christ. Want to submit a question? Call …
200: Pastor Plek and Catie Sas interview John Milton who came to Christ on March 19. Listen in to hear more about John's story and how he came to faith in Jesus. Want to submit a question? Call or text …
199: Pastor Plek, Pastor Mo, Catie Sas, and guest John Zhu recap sunday's sermon on Mark 14 and answer a few questions submitted by our listeners. Questions answered: Do you think Christian's tend to take advantage of Jesus d...
198: Pastor Plek, Catie Sas, and Jacob Laldin recap Jacob's sermon on God's will. They also answer a question from one of our listeners! Question answered: Catie, question for you to answer: Should we stop saying "we aren't J...
197: Pastor Plek, Catie Sas, and Jacob Laldin share some stories about different conflicts they've had with strangers and how they handled it. Want to submit a question? Call or text 737-231-0605! Faith, Culture, and all thin...
195: Pastor Plek, Catie Sas, and Jacob Laldin hear a story from Catie's past and recap our sermon on showing Hospitality within the Church. Want to submit a question? Call or text 737-231-0605! Faith, Culture, and all things ...
194: On this episode of Pastor Plek's podcast, Pastor Plek, Catie Sas, and Pastor Mo answer a variety of questions about Jesus' name and birthday, old testament sacrifices, and limited atonement. Questions Answered: We call t...
191: Pastor Plek, Pastor Mo, and Catie Sas recap the part two of our Love One Another sermon series. They talk about the impact a parent's words have on their children and the importance of blessing others. Want to submit …
186: Pastor Plek, Catie Sas, Nicole Troup, and Larry O'Donnell are back for part 3 in our series on Business & Evangelism. Listen in to hear more about Larry's story and how he's working for God's kingdom Got a question …
185: Pastor Plek, Catie Sas, Nicole Troup, and Larry O'Donnell are back for part 2 in our series on Business & Evangelism. Listen in to hear more about Larry's story and how he's working for God's kingdom Got a question …
184: Pastor Plek, Catie Sas, and Nicole Troup are joined by special guest Larry O'Donnell for a three part series exploring Larry's life, journey to Christ, and all the ways he has engaged in ministry in the workplace and in …
181: This is the final episode with our special guest Cory Morrow! Cory, Pastor Plek, and Catie talk more about evangelising from the stage and we might even get a short performance. Listen in to find out more! Want to …
180: Pastor Plek, Catie Sas, and Mo Ali answer a question about how the church views people who are transgender or homosexual. Question Answered: Just curious about the church’s stance on gay and transgender people. Did God m...
179: Pastor Plek and Catie Sas get to know our new Youth Pastor, Mohammad Ali (aka Mo). Want to submit a question? Call or text 737-231-0605! Faith, Culture, and all things in between. Support the show : https://wbcc.churchce...
178: Pastor Plek, Catie Sas, Jacob Laldin, and special guest Ashley Elliot discuss the Family Member module of our discipleship pathway. Interested in our discipleship program? Email us at info@wellsbranchchurch.com for detai...
177: Pastor Plek, Catie Sas, Jacob Laldin, and Ashley Elliot recap the Advent Sermon on Peace and spending time with family over the holidays. Want to submit a question? Call or text 737-231-0605! Faith, Culture, and all thin...
175: Pastor Plek & Catie Sas are back with special guest Cory Morrow. Pastor Plek, Catie Sas, and Cory continue their conversation about Texas Country music and the impact God has had on Cory's life. Want to submit a question...
173: Pastor Plek & Catie Sas are joined by special guest Cory Morrow in this podcast episode. Cory is a Texas Country singer & songwriter who came to Christ about ten years ago. Plastor Plek & Catie Sas talk to …
168: Pastor Plek, Catie Sas, and Jacob Laldin talk about life patterns as a worshiper of God. Worshiper is the first module in our DISCIPLE pathway. Interested in joining a Discipleship group? Email us at info@wellsbranchchur...
167: Pastor PLek, Catie Sas, and church intern Jacob Laldin recap the sermon from November 13 and discuss why we join in on Halloween Festivities Question Covered: Why do we celebrate Halloween as a church? Want to submit a q...
165: Pastor Plek, Catie Sas, and Nicole Troup discuss contentment in singleness as a continuation of our Christian Dating series. Want to submit a question? Call or text 737-231-0605! Faith, Culture, and all things in between...
162: Pastor Plek and Catie Sas recap this sunday's sermon and discuss what is at the root of people's skeptism or unbelief when we see miraculous healings today. Want to submit a question? Call or text 737-231-0605! Faith, Cu...
155: Pastor Plek and Catie Sas discuss what the Bible says about wives submitting to their husbands and what that looks like in a marriage. Question covered: Why submit to your husband? What does it tangibly look like? Want t...
153: Pastor Plek, Catie Sas, Jeff Mitchell, and Robert Sas recap Sunday's sermon and discuss the importance of accountability. Questions Covered: How do we know when someone is holding you accountable because they love you an...
152: Pastor Plek and Catie Sas recap last sunday's sermon, transparency in relationships, and relational restoration. Question covered: What kind of friendship do you have when there is proximity, time, and purpose but there'...
150: Pastor Plek and Catie Sas recap Sunday's sermon and answer some questions about friendship. Questions covered: What do you do when people walk out of all your spheres of influence (like to a different church) and still w...
149: Pastor Plek, Catie Sas, and special guest Dave Sheffield discuss stewardship and Biblical principles for saving, spending, and giving money as well as what the Bible has to say about debt. Want to submit a question? Call...
147: Pastor Plek, Catie Sas, and special guest Megan Dzialo discuss Sunday's sermon, the recent news about Matt Chandler, the SBC sex scandal, and a question about sexual sin. Question Covered: How does the church handle unre...
146: Pastor Plek & Catie Sas discuss Christian sex ethics and healthy sexuality. Question covered: Upcoming book question: You mentioned the Christian sex ethic and moral code for Jews and Christians. What is the sex ethic? W...
145: Pastor Plek & Catie Sas talk about learning how to suffer and celebrate alongside fellow believers. Questions covered: How can members who have been comforted model offering comfort and celebration? Because yes we can re...
144: Pastor Plek and Catie Sas discuss gender roles and sleeping with people who aren't your spouse. Questions Covered: To add on to the man side of the sermon, “Excuses are not Masculine”… “When we make excuses we negate res...
143: Pastor Plek and Catie Sas talk through a very common parenting topic... spanking. Catie asks if she is wrong for not spanking her children. Want to submit a question? Call or text 737-231-0605! Faith, Culture and all thi...
142: Pastor Plek and Catie Sas talk through this past Sundays sermon. Questions Covered: How should we relate to God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit? Is it supposed to be different? Personally, I have "warmer" fe...
141: Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, and Catie Sas cover a tough topic...suicide. Questions covered: I'm watching a show where a military captain of a battleship stayed behind to blow the ship due to it being in enemy territory. ...
140: Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, and Catie Sas talk about Josephs upcoming move to be a church plant resident! Want to submit a question? Call or text 737-231-0605! Faith, Culture, and all things in between. Support the show:...
139: Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, and Catie Sas discuss this past Sundays sermon over Mark 6:7-32. Faith, Culture, and all things in between. Questions covered: Why don't we anoint people with oil anymore? Support the Show : h...
134: Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, and Catie Sas catch up on Catie's friend Amber and answer a question sent in about attending church. Want to submit a question? Call or text 737-231-0605! Faith, Culture, and all things in bet...
133: Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, and Catie Sas discuss this week's sermon and answer questions regarding authority. Want to submit a question? Text 737-231-0605! Faith, Culture, and all things in between. Question : Question:...
126: Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, Pastor James and Catie Sas follow up on a question about struggling with impure thoughts. Want to submit a question? Text 737-231-0605! Faith, Culture, and all things in between. Question: Goi...
124: Pastor Joseph hosts Pastor James and Catie Sas as they recap this Sunday's sermon and answer a baptism question. Want to submit a question? Text 737-231-0605! Faith, Culture, and all things in between. Questions: Can som...
113: Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, and Catie Sas recap Easter Sunday's sermon titled "Take a Deep Breath" and tackle questions sent in by listeners. Want to submit a question? Text 737-231-0605! Faith, Culture, and all things i...
111: In this week's episode, the crew recaps Sunday's sermon and discuss of questions sent in. Listen in to hear Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, Catie Sas, and Heather Compton talk faith, culture, and all things in between. Want ...
108: Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, and Catie Sas answer questions about porn, leadership, and the current situation happening within Hillsong. Want to submit a question? Text 737-231-0605! Faith, Culture, and all things in betw...
106: Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, and Catie Sas recap Sunday's sermon, discuss the phrase "we need to talk" and answer questions submitted regarding the teaching. Want to submit a question? Text 737-231-0605! Faith, Culture, a...
105: Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph and Catie Sas discuss concubines and struggling with impure thoughts. Want to submit a question? Text 737-231-0605! Faith, Culture, and all things in between. Question: - I was reading Exodus. ...
103: Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, Pastor James, and Catie Sas recap the sermon on hostility or humility and answer the question sent in this week. Want to submit a question? Text 737-231-0605! Faith, Culture, and all things in...
102: Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, and Catie Sas talk about the ongoing war in the Ukraine and how Christians should respond. Want to submit a question? Text 737-231-0605! Faith, Culture, and all things in between. Questions: -...
100: Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, and Catie Sas recap the first sermon of our new series on CommUNITY and discuss the priority of family. Want to submit a question? Text 737-231-0605! Faith, Culture, and all things in between....
99: Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, and Catie Sas talk about the Great Commission and the wrath of God in today's episode. Want to submit a question? Text 737-231-0605! Faith, Culture, and all things in between. Questions : - The...
97: Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, and Catie Sas recap this week's sermon on Obadiah and answer questions submitted to the show. Want to submit a question? Text 737-231-0605! Faith, Culture, and all things in between. Questions:...
96: Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, and Catie Sas follow up on questions from Tuesday's episode and discuss the ongoing Ukrainian crisis. Want to submit a question? Text 737-231-0605! Faith, Culture, and all things in between. Su...
94: Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, and Catie Sas discuss respect for leaders and not filtering yourself in marriage. Want to submit a question? Text 737-231-0605! Faith, Culture, and all things in between. Questions: - Why are t...
93: Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, and Catie Sas discuss submitting to leadership and how Paul would address the current-day church. Want to submit a question? Text 737-231-0605! Faith, Culture, and all things in between. Questi...
92: Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, and Catie Sas recap this week's sermon on Love & Marriage and answer questions about unveiling yourself and translations of the Bible. Want to submit a question? Text 737-231-0605! Faith, Cultu...
91: Guest Jordan Smith joins Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, and Catie Sas to discuss his perspective on second marriages, the grounds for divorce and his desire to be faithful in dating women although he struggles with same sex ...
90: Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, and Catie Sas discuss online dating and vulnerability in marriage on today's episode. Want to submit a question? Text 737-231-0605! Faith, Culture, and all things in between. Questions: - In th...
88: Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, and Catie Sas dive into questions about imposter syndrome, judaism, and being bold in the workplace. Want to submit a question? Text 737-231-0605! Faith, Culture, and all things in between. Que...
87: Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, and Catie Sas discuss preferred pronouns and down syndrome in this week's bonus episode. Want to submit a question? Text 737-231-0605! Faith, Culture, and all things in between. Questions: - Ca...
86: Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, and Catie Sas follow up on discussing critical race theory and the Gospel. Want to submit a question? Text 737-231-0605! Faith, Culture, and all things in between. Question: How does the church...
85: Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, and Catie Sas discuss sins of a father, cussing, and the death penalty in this week's episode. Want to submit a question? Text 737-231-0605! Faith, Culture, and all things in between. Questions...
84: Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, and Catie Sas answer a long list of questions sent in after this week's sermon. Want to submit a question? Text 737-231-0605! Questions: - Theology 101 question - if asked by an agnostic, athei...
83: Pastor Plek, Pastor James, and Catie Sas follow up on the $1000 Plek gave away to strangers before Christmas and tackle several tough questions on this week's bonus episode. Want to submit a question? Text 737-231-0605! F...
82: Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, and Catie Sas answer questions sent in this week about unforgivable sins, greetings, and motivation to study the Bible. Want to submit a question? Text 737-231-0605! Faith, Culture, and all thi...
81: Pastor Plek, Pastor James, and Catie Sas discuss gossip and judgment in the church on this week's episode. Want to submit a question? Text 737-231-0605! Faith, Culture, and all things in between. Questions: - How do we ta...
80: Join us as Pastor Plek, Pastor James, and Catie Sas discuss Revelation 22 and offending people through music selection. Want to submit a question? Text 737-231-0605! Faith, Culture, and all things in between. Questions: -...
79: In the last podcast of 2021, Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, Adrienne Plekenpol, and Catie Sas talk about providing, protecting, and pursuing in marriage. Want to submit a question? Text 737-231-0605! Faith, Culture, and all ...
78: This week, Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, and Catie Sas chat about pastor fashion, fitness, and answer questions sent in about Revelation 21. Want to submit a question? Text 737-231-0605! Faith, Culture, and all things in be...
77: This week, Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, and Catie Sas discuss a plethora of questions sent in! Want to submit a question? Text 737-231-0605! Faith, Culture, and all things in between. Questions: -Question 1: I’ve only been...
76: This week, Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, and Catie Sas tackle questions over depression, discipleship, and Gospel issues. Want to submit a question? Text 737-231-0605! Faith, Culture, and all things in between. Questions: -...
75: In this bonus episode, Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, Pastor James, and Catie Sas discuss questions sent in regarding sin, entertainment, and Christmas celebrations. Want to submit a question? Text 737-231-0605! Questions: -...
74: Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, Pastor James, and Catie Sas tackle theological and self care questions in this week's episode. Want to submit a question? Text 737-231-0605! Questions: - What are your thoughts/feelings etc on ...
73: Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, and Catie Sas discuss sermon questions sent in and the controversial topic of pronouns in this week's episode. Questions: 1. What is the timeline of the seven bowls? How quickly does one bowl g...
72: Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, Pastor James, and Catie Sas answer several questions regarding Revelation 14 and also provide clarification from last week's discussion on adoption. Catie also provides an update on her challen...
71: Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, and Catie Sas answer questions this week regarding predestination and holding grudges. Want to submit a question? Text 737-231-0605! Questions: 1. Who are the saints in verse 7? Please address ...
70: In this week's episode, Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, and Catie Sas discuss the potential difficulties in choosing a child for adoption, picking which songs we sing for worship, picking what sabbath looks like and choosing ...
69: Join Catie Sas, Pastor Plek, and Pastor Joseph in this week's podcast! Want to send in a question for them? Text 737-231-0605 Questions: How do dinosaurs and cavemen fit into the Bible? Were there even cavemen if Adam and...
68: Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, and Catie Sas discuss questions about the Holy Spirit and alcohol in this week's episode. Questions : - I hope you're doing well! I came across your church videos on YouTube and I have a …
66: Pastor Plek and Catie Sas answer questions sent in about giving and judging in this week's episode. Questions : I have been diving into an independent study on judgement and gifting. Obviously the Bible says it is not our...
65: Join us this week as Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, and Catie Sas discuss homosexuality and second marriages from a biblical perspective. Questions : What is the churches view on Homosexuality? Of course we love them, but do...
64: In this special edition, Lizzie Turk asks for advice on an awkward situation from the perspective of Catie Sas, Pastor Plek, and Pastor Joseph. Support the show (https://wbcc.churchcenter.com/giving)
63: Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, Lizzie Turk, and Host Catie Sas dive into lengthy questions from Sunday morning's sermon. Questions: In the diagram of the purpose in the Upper Room... there is a pic representing speaking in t...
62: Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, and Catie Sas discuss a plethora of questions sent in for this week's episode! Questions: Can you talk more about "for the sake of your prayers"? Are you saying God answers prayers more when I …
61: Pastor Plek and Catie Sas deep dive into questions submitted after part 2 of the sermon series "What's My Calling?" Questions : Can you read the Greek alliteration in 2 Timothy 3:2-4? I think it would be cool to …
59: After wrapping up the sermon series on Testing God, Pastor James, Catie Sas, and Lizzie Turk tackle questions sent in for this week's podcast. Questions: What about your son not wanting water made you angry? You mentioned...
57: After a sermon on tearing down idols, Pastor Joseph, Pastor James, Catie Sas, and Lizzie Turk discuss questions sent in for this week's podcast. Questions: How do we identify idols in our lives? Can we be used by God …
56: Pastor James, Pastor Joseph, Catie, and Lizzie discuss the awkwardness and anxiety we can encounter as Christians. Questions: I want to be bold in my faith and be able to recognize when the Holy Spirit is telling me to …
55: As Pastor Plek is on sabbatical for the month of July, we're continuing to answer questions with Pastor Joseph , Pastor James, Catie Sas, and Lizzie Turk. Questions: Please sell me on how Jesus isn't actually calling us t...
54: Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph Aiken III, and Catie Sas discuss welfare and Christianity in this week's episode. Question: How can we the western church preach sermons about the poor and giving and investing in those that hav...