Pastor Plek, Cody Sparks, and Machine Gun Nick take over the podcast mics this week to talk about Sunday's sermon over parenting and the Ten Commandments. They also couldn't help but bring up Michigan's recent victory over Wa...
254: Pastor Plek is joined by Mo Parks on the podcast this week to talk about repairing marriages. She talks through several questions with Chris to diagnose the root issues in his own marriage and identify places where he ca...
253: Pastor Plek interviews Stephen and Clare Webster on this special podcast episode about raising children in a hyper-sexualized culture, how to begin setting boundaries with technology, and how to talk to young children ab...
245: Pastor Plek is joined by Leah Brown and Seth Sparks on this special episode of Pastor Plek’s Podcast. They talk about what it looks like for a man to lead his wife and family. Faith, Culture, and everything in …
225: This week on Pastor Plek's Podcast, Pastor Plek is joined by special guests Tony Nelson and Marlon Sparks as well as Catie Sas. They discuss parenting challenges, walking in faith instead of fear, and the recent tornado ...
223: Pastor Plek and Catie Sas recap the Father's Day sermon given by guest preacher Danny Box. They also get into a conversation about the reality of parenting toddlers. Want to submit a question? Call or text 737-231-0605! ...
211: In this episode Pastor Plek, Catie Sas, and Cody Sparks tackle the topics of Contraception and Family Planning. Questions answered: As Christians, we are called to live in accordance with God’s will and not our own will....
209: Catie Sas, Pastor Plek, and Cody Sparks start this episode off with a conversation about ministering to the LGBTQ+ community and then shift to conversation on learning how to parent. Question answered: Pastor Plek Podcas...
143: Pastor Plek and Catie Sas talk through a very common parenting topic... spanking. Catie asks if she is wrong for not spanking her children. Want to submit a question? Call or text 737-231-0605! Faith, Culture and all thi...
134: Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, and Catie Sas catch up on Catie's friend Amber and answer a question sent in about attending church. Want to submit a question? Call or text 737-231-0605! Faith, Culture, and all things in bet...
128: Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, and Leah Brown follow up on questions from the Roe v Wade podcast. Want to submit a question? Text 737-231-0605! Faith, Culture, and all things in between. Questions: Can you respond to this a...
127: Pastor Plek sits down with Carl and Rachel Coleman to discuss affairs and rebuilding relationship. Want to submit a question? Text 737-231-0605! Faith, Culture, and all things in between. Support the show
121: Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, and Straight Outta (Heather) Compton recap Sunday's sermon on What's After ATX while discussing purgatory and Mother's Day. Want to submit a question? Text 737-231-0605! Faith, Culture, and ...
118: Pastor Plek and Leah Brown talk the leak of Roe v. Wade being potentially overturned and resources available for women in crisis pregnancies. Want to submit a question? Text 737-231-0605! Faith, Culture, and all things i...
111: In this week's episode, the crew recaps Sunday's sermon and discuss of questions sent in. Listen in to hear Pastor Plek, Pastor Joseph, Catie Sas, and Heather Compton talk faith, culture, and all things in between. Want ...