Pastor Plek's Podcast Episodes

Jan. 25, 2024

Reflections on Grace, Accountability, and Reconciliation

277: Catie Sas and Pastor Plek are on the podcast to recap Sunday's sermon on Exodus. They discuss the intricate fabric of community responsibility and how to navigate teaching children the balance of grace and accountabili...

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Jan. 18, 2024

Navigating Ancient Texts in Modern Times

275: Pastor Plek and Catie Sas are on the podcast today to discuss the complexities of Old Testament slavery laws and their relevance today. They also explore the connections between parenting and biblical narratives while al...

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Jan. 12, 2024

Faith, Family, and Football

Pastor Plek, Cody Sparks, and Machine Gun Nick take over the podcast mics this week to talk about Sunday's sermon over parenting and the Ten Commandments. They also couldn't help but bring up Michigan's recent victory over Wa...

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Jan. 5, 2024

Exploring the Ten Commandments

269: Pastor Plek and Catie Sas are back after a short holiday break to recap Sam Teifke's sermon on the first half of the Ten Commandments. Tune in to hear more as Pastor Plek and catie explore the significance of the Sabbath...

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Nov. 16, 2023

Ordo Salutis?

260: Pastor Plek and Catie Sas are joined by Holland Greig of Eastside Community Church this week to recap Sunday’s sermon. After a brief summary of his sermon, Pastor Plek asks Holland what he thinks the Order of Salvation i...

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Nov. 10, 2023

God's Kingdom, Leadership and the Pursuit of Excellence in Faith

259: Pastor Plek, Pastor Mo, Catie Sas, and Machine Gun Nick are on the podcast today to recap Sunday’s sermon on Exodus 18. They talk about the Israel-Hamas conflict, what makes a good leader, and resolving conflict within t...

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Nov. 2, 2023

What does it mean to be sorry?

258: Pastor Plek, Catie Sas, Devan Bice, and Pablo Mota recap Sunday’s sermon Exodus 17:1-8. Pastor Plek clarifies some confusing points from his sermon and also answers some questions from our listeners. Faith, Culture, and ...

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Oct. 26, 2023

Grumbling in the Wilderness

255: Pastor Plek, Catie Sas, Tony Nelson, and Machine Gun Nick talk about this Sunday's sermon over Exodus 15 and 16. They talk about times in their life when they’ve grumbled against leaders and address some questions from o...

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Oct. 26, 2023

Grumbling in the Wilderness, Part 2

256: Pastor Plek, Catie Sas, Tony Nelson, and Machine Gun Nick continue their conversation from part one of our sermon recap this week, but this time they're exploring what it means to hold your tongue whil still being authen...

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Oct. 23, 2023

Just Show Up

251: Pastor Plek and Kourtney Blick recap Sunday’s sermon on Exodus 14 about living in fear and trusting God. Kourtney shares her story battling depression and infertility and why showing up is the most important thing you ca...

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Oct. 12, 2023

You Are The Same God

247: Pastor Plek, Pastor Mo, Leah Brown, and Machine Gun Nick recap Sunday’s sermon on the final plague in Egypt. They answer a question from one of our listeners and even do a brief dive into the 5 points of Calvinism and Li...

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Oct. 5, 2023

Sorry, not sorry?

Pastor Plek and Catie Sas are joined by Machine Gun Nick and Seth Sparks this week to recap Sunday’s sermon Exodus 11 & 12. In this episode we address several questions about the hardening of Pharaoh’s heart, free will, repen...

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Sept. 28, 2023

World Repentance vs Godly Repentance

242: Catie Sas and Machine Gun Nick join Pastor Plek on the podcast this week to recap Sunday's sermon on Exodus 10. They discuss the difference between Worldly repentance and godly repentance and answer questions from our li...

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Sept. 21, 2023

There is No God but Yahweh

240: Pastor Plek and Nicole Troup recap this Sunday's sermon on Exodus 9. We talk egyptian mythology, the timeline of the plagues, and more! Questions Answered: What were the beasts in Exodus 9:9 if all the livestock died? Wh...

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Sept. 14, 2023

Let My People Go

238: Pastor Plek and Catie Sas are back this week to recap Sunday's sermon on Exodus. They talk about the plagues, frogs, bugs, and egyptian mythology. Question Answered: After the sermon yesterday i had another question beca...

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